How to be innovative and find your voice when you use it to make money in advertising
Experience provides wisdom to draw from, but it tempers the power of naivety. The more ingrained your adopted approach, the
Referential Concepting: Is Anything Really Original?
“Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better,
The Conceptual Iteration: Turn Your Iterative Process into a Concept Factory
Learn how to turn your iterative process for ad creative into a concept generating machine on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok by using classic Mind Mapping techniques.
How to build creative alignment on a Growth Marketing team
If you want to build a high-performing creative team, it starts with how you structure it.
In my opinion, the
4 ways generative AI will change marketing (with links to tools)
In the wake of Generative AI's viral year, Large Language models are starting to have a moment, as
How to Iterate on Winning Ads: The Basic Iteration
An inside peak at the iterative process for producing ad creative used by the most successful brands on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok ads. Learn the creative iteration secrets of the pros.
The Laws, Ethics, and Mechanics of "Borrowing" in advertising
Authors Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be
What learning how to draw taught me about the future (and what it has to do with corporate culture)
Welcome to my New Year's blog post -- I'm a little late to the party but
The First Principles of Ads: How to be Creative (even if you're unsure)
“There is nothing quite like ignorance combined with a driving need to succeed to force rapid learning.”
― Ed Catmull, Creativity,